
Become a member of the Durham Parks Foundation and be a part of building a better community for all of Durham. Individual, Family, and Corporate Memberships are available

Help us expand, preserve and strengthen Durham’s parks.

Foundation Store

Support Durham Parks Foundation and Durham Parks and Recreation with the purchase of an event T-Shirt or DPF Swag. All proceeds go to expanding access to parks, trails and open space in Durham!

DPR Staff Liaison Emilie McIntosh and DPF Board Member Farrah Sangsookwow Shapiro share information about the Durham Parks Foundation at Festival on the Eno in 2022.

Our work spans all of Durham.

Our current projects range from dog parks to pickleball courts. And one of our bigger past projects was helping to fund the West Point on the Eno Environmental Education Pavilion in 2019. Learn more about Durham Parks Foundation’s impact.

“Our parks, trails and green spaces are some of the greatest resources we can leverage in our ongoing pursuit of creating an equitable and inclusive shared environment within our community.”

David Green, Durham Parks Foundation President

Make a gift today.

Every amount, every dollar, makes a difference.

You are invited to make a general gift that will go toward the greatest needs within Durham parks. If you have a specific park or project that you want to support, you can earmark your gift for park accessibility, pickleball, Sandy Creek Park in South Durham, and other local projects funded by DPF. Every gift is tax-deductible and will benefit Durham parks in some way!

We appreciate your support!

Durham Parks Foundation President, David Greene, and Board Members, Ryan Mentock and Farrah Sangsookwow Shapiro, at Barktoberfest in Durham Central Park.
A friendly dog visits the Durham Parks Foundation at Durham's Barktoberfest in 2022.